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Please Note: If you are interested in finding a crew position for the 2024 Vic-Maui, please login to update your profile.

If you are new to our crew bank, please submit a new crew profile.  

Name Position Availability Gender
Residence Age Phone Email
James Pettit Any Position Race Crew Only Male
Vancouver, BC Canada 34 (778) 899-7387 Send Email
Watch lead for the 2022 Vic-Maui Lahaina class winning boat, and will be doing Van Isle 2023. Experienced and very comfortable with the helm at night. Lots of local racing experience, including 2022 Martin 242 championship winning crew. Current sailboat owner with extensive cruising and boat maintenance experience. Mechanical engineer by training, with extensive experience in all aspects of boat maintenance and troubleshooting (especially electrical systems and marine diesels). I have a current Offshore Survival course, as well as all the usual certs (PCOC, ROC-M, CANSail 4) I'm a competitive sailor, but very easy going and get along well in all team situations. I'm strong, fit, and have a good attitude when things get tough. I'm also a good cook, and was responsible for provisioning for a previous Vic-Maui. 
Kevin Amell Any Position Race Crew Only Male
Sidney, BC Canada 46 7783509089 Send Email
Inshore sailing around southern Vancouver Island for 8 years. Holding an intermediate cruising certification from Sail Canada. Own and sail a 40’ and a 30’ boat. Possess radio license and PCOC. 
Tyler Ardron Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
Victoria, British Columbia Canada 32 +33637973519 Send Email
I have been sailing for almost 10 years now. Mainy chartering boats around the world for holidays. I am a professional rugby player in my 12th professional season. I am not available until 2026 at the earliest as that is when my current contract ends. At that time my family and I will be living full time on sailing catamaran and I will have a lot more free time.  
Hugh Atkinson Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
Vancouver, BC Canada 21 (781) 708-3809 Send Email
Have been dinghy sailing for 8 years. Competed at the Highschool level and currently at the university level at the University of British Columbia, in the CICSA (Canada) and NWISCA (North America) divisions. Very excited to experience new aspects of sailing. 
Matthew Bacon Any Position Race Crew Only Male
Victoria, BC Canada 38 (250) 812-4953 Send Email
I have participated in 3 Van Isle 360 races (as of this writing, should be 4 by the time this race happens), numerous Southern Straits, Swiftsure, Patos and other local races. I race on a variety of different boats, including my own Olson 911 (which I also cruise whenever I get the chance). I am comfortable in any position, but gravitate towards trim, pit or helm. I have a current Offshore Personal Survival Course and a safety conscious mindset. I am willing to travel within reason for practices and assist where I can with boat preparation. 
Karenn Bailey Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Female
Vancouver/Victoria , BC Canada 60 604-970-0782 Send Email
Wish there was a way we could help Lahaina YC get back on their feet and rebuild. Pls contact me if there is an initiative to do so in future, happy to offer my time and labour. Blue water sailor, ocean passages, 5K NM offshore. Hand steering, Doldrums without motor, Tehauntepec winds, 24 hour sailing to 21 days. VIRC racing: Patos x2, Nanaimo YC Regatta, Van/Vic club racing. Love cruising in the PNW, unhurried sailing in tropical waters. 
howard beh Trimmer or Deck Crew Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
vancouver, bc canada 26 6043453261 Send Email
RYA competent crew certified , currently working towards my RYA days skippers. looking to build sea time for my RYA Yachtmasters from the vic maui race.  
Subhash Bhushan Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
Vancouver , BC Canada 41 +1 236 996 7877 Send Email
I have PCOC, ROC-M, Basic Coastal Navigation, Sail Canada Intermediate Cruising, and Marine basic first aid certifications. 2 years sailing and loving it. No previous racing experience but I am competitive and can fit well into a team. I am keen to get offshore sailing experience under my belt and can fit into any role available. I can make myself available for pre-race prep, planning, and provisioning. 
Anna Bichel Cook Race and Return Delivery Crew Female
Tofino, British Columbia Canada 39 (587) 991-9197 Send Email
IYT Yachmaster coastal certified. Safety-at-sea Jan2023. Circumnavigation Vancouver Island 2022.Current part-time cook on 65’ sailing vessel. Plenty of time onboard sharing space and keeping morale high. Interested in return or race position. Great references! Practical & adaptable. 
Linda Boyd Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Female
Sylvan Lake, Alberta Canada 63 403-318-7783 Send Email
Conan Cooper Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
Calgary, AB Canada 54 1 (604) 314-3111 Send Email
I've sailed over 15 years. Race experience: Southern Straights, Fraser Lightship, Round Bowen, Deep Cove, Howe Sound, summer VARC, winter series. I was on a crew for the 2020 VM but it was cancelled. Cruising: coastal/open water passages in Carib and Atlantic up to 25 days at sea, training on Canadian Naval ships west coast (over 6000 miles logged). I have CANSail 3, PCOC, ROC-M, Sail Canada [Basic Cruising, Intermediate Nav, Offshore Survival (SAS), Cruise Instructor]. I also have completed naval training in navigation/watchkeeping. I am exceptionally fit and worked as a Sport Coach and Kinesiologist. I work as a Paramedic in EMS, and can serve as boat medic. Race positions: mast, pit, trim jib, some foredeck (spinnaker or asymmetrical), navigation. I've been in team environments throughout my career and will work well with a competitive crew. I adapt well to watch shifts and ship's routine including cooking. I own my own boat and have experience with repairs and mechanical. With notice I am available for practice, courses, or qualification races. I may also be available to crew for the return. Please do not contact with advertisements for paid training courses or trips as a paying passenger. 
Rusty Croom Any Position Return Delivery Crew Only Male
Calgary, AB Canada 65 (587) 999-5419 Send Email
Completed short-hand Tahiti to Fiji in 2022, 2-3 charters per year in typical cruising locations (BVI, Croatia, SVI, USVI, BC, etc. Previous qualified Navy deck officer. Holder of ICC sailing certification. 
Jack Dale Skipper Return Delivery Crew Only Male
Calgary, Alberta Canada 75 (403) 861-5296 Send Email
4 Vic Maui returns; 1 as watch captain, 3 as skipper. Other deliveries: Cape Town - Brazil, BVI-Panama, Newport,RI to St Barths via Bermuda. Denmark to Southern England. ISPA Yachtmaster Ocean Instructor, Sail Canada Advanced Cruising Instructor - Evaluator. Safety at Sea 2002. .  
Jack Dale Skipper Return Delivery Crew Only Male
Calgary, AB 75 (403) 861-5296 Send Email
50,000 miles, mostly ocean, 7 ocean passages, including 4 Maui-Vic returns. CRYA Yachtmaster Master Ocean Instructor Evaluator, Adventure Medic 
Eric de Jong Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
Victoria, BC Canada 60 (250) 217-9792 Send Email
I own and sail an Aloha 32 and have traveled the whole west coast from Alaska to Washington state including rounding Haida Gwaii and Vancouver Island. I have some experience offshore in boats from 47-77 feet in length and rudimentary knowledge of expedition software. I have completed the Offshore Personal Survival course and although not current, trained in first aid . I could even cook if you're really hungry ... with some notice improve on that lol. I am very handy understanding electrical and mechanical systems and always have a sense of humour handy. Very fit and agile. 
John Dealy Any Position Return Delivery Crew Only Male
Seattle, WA United States 70 1 (360) 621-8037 Send Email
Sailing for 40 years, including two-handed trip Seattle - Hawaii - Seattle and many races. I have a group of 5 with offshore experience, ready to return your boat from Maui. 
Drew Dockrill Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
North Vancouver, BC Canada 38 647-391-6524 Send Email
I have sailed for approx. 15 years, mostly in race events. I have raced in the Lake Ontario 300, and short-med races in Port Phillip Bay, Australia. I am currently a professional mariner with STCW MED certificates, bridge watch rating certified, MBFA,ROC-MC, SVOP, and experience with cooking on a sailing vessel.  
Jacob Doll Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
Ann Arbor, Michigan United States 20 7343580106 Send Email
I have been competitively racing Dinghies for 12 years and keelboats for 5 years. I also have some offshore racing experience. Id like to think I'm pretty easy going and easy to work with. 
Emma Evans Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Female
Vancouver, BC Canada 24 613-854-9576 Send Email
A sailor, surfer, yogi, avid spearfisher and diver... Recently returned from voyage across the Pacific Ocean, spending over a month sailing at sea on a Dufour-41 and completing over 4000nm from Panama to French Polynesia. Prior to my crossing, I sailed from Colombia to Panama via the San Blas Islands crewing on a 74ft charter boat, and crewed on a Belliure-50 Ketch to assist in line handling to cross the Panama Canal. I hold a Sail Canada Basic Crew Certification after sailing the coast of BC through the Gulf Islands on a Beneteau-35. I have over 5000nm under my belt, looking to gain more! In the summers I work as a sailing instructor/companion for the BC Adaptive Sailing Association. In the meantime, I hope to take my CAL34 1967 around the Gulf Islands to gain more confidence and experience, in both sailing and boat repairs, to eventually sail down the coast of Mexico and across the Pacific again.  
Ned Feist Any Position Race Crew Only Male
Riverton, NJ United States 26 +1 518-339-2334 Send Email
I've been racing on keelboats and dinghies of varying size and type since I was 8 years old. 5000+ offshore miles on several boats ranging from 39-53 feet in length, including two races to Bermuda and a Pacific crossing. Solid understanding of rigging, plumbing, electrical, and mechanical systems. Can splice lines and tie soft shackles. Completed Safety at Sea/World Sailing Certificate March of 2019, will renew in 2024. First Aid/CPR/AED certification valid through 1/1/2024, will renew in 2024. 6'2", 205 pounds, 27 years old. Thanks! 
Geoffrey Ferguson Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
Vancouver , BC Canada 52 2505090933 Send Email
I only have pleasure sailing experience but I am confident I can handle the trip  
Clara Fournet Any Position Return Delivery Crew Only Female
Vancouver, BC Canada 28 7789574712 Send Email
Coastal cruiser with 3 years of experience. Co-owner of a 27 footer, ICC, Coastal safety at sea, polar bear series, Southern Straights, and a few other day races... Looking to gain experience to prepare for my offshore voyage starting in 2025. Interested in return or race position. 
Fiona Garforth-Bles Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Female
Canmore, Alberta Canada 63 14038044999 Send Email
Raced 13,000nm on the Clipper race. (On winning boat!). Was the medic as am still a practising RN. Have RYA day skipper, VHF radio, safety at sea. Crewed on races West Coast. Team player, will turn my hand to anything. Fit and strong and this race is on my bucket list. Happy to travel for training/races.  
Garth Goodwin Any Position Race Crew Only Male
Sidney, BC Canada 64 250 514 9110 Send Email
14 Atlantic crossings, 1 solo Atlantic crossing, Vic - Maui 1990 plus delivery home. Other experience discussion over beer! 
Randy Gray Watch Captain Return Delivery Crew Only Male
Salt Spring Island, British Columbia Canada 64 (250) 898-1370 Send Email
I served as return delivery crew aboard String Theory in 2016. I own a Bayfield 36 cutter and singlehand the PNW including a circumnavigation of Vancouver Island in 2021. I have served as delivery crew twice for the Baja Bash in 2022. I have 30 years of ocean sailing experience and covered over 10,000 nm in the last ten years. 
Christopher Hakes Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
Vancouver, BC Canada 53 (604) 764-6143 Send Email
Lots of dinghy and sailing experience - both racing and lived aboard my Hunter 30 for 3 years. I taught dinghy sailing and raced as a teenager, then crewed on several classes of keel. I've got basic first aid, have done navigation programs, and can tie one heck of a bowline. I am more accustomed to coastal sailing and have not yet done a big crossing like this, but am very affable, capable, and would relish the opportunity. Happy to play multiple roles in such an endeavour - just keen to be a part of the adventure. 
Sarah Hamel Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Female
Tacoma, Seattle 53 (253) 682-9374 Send Email
Hello! I am interested either crew or return delivery. I am available to attend practices and help with boat prep. Will have completed through ASA 108 by race time and hopefully other offshore adventures. I own my own Caliber 28 Sailboat in Anacortes and am familiar and capable with minor maintenance needs. I have been told I have “great situational awareness” and that I am a “hard working and analytic sailor”. I am easy going, a fast learner can take direction, calm under pressure and can get along with almost anyone! I am actively racing in the South Puget Sound area. 
Mike Hardy Any Position Race Crew Only Male
North Vancouver, British Columbia Canada 46 6047254900 Send Email
I\\\'ve been on the water most of my life. Started sailing about 5-years ago when I bought a C&C 30. Have been racing consistently though the Summer and Winter seasons and participating in longer course events as well - Salish Sea, Fraser Lightship, etc. Would love to look at the Vic-Maui next!  
Barb Heinonen Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Female
Heriot Bay, BC Canada 45 250.204.1716 Send Email
Hello - I've been sailing and racing since a child, most recently, I'll be completing Leg 2 (Punta Del Este to Cape Town) in the 2023/24 Clipper Race, in October 2023. I lived and sailed in and around Victoria from 1996 - 2008, completed 4 Swiftsure races, countless Around SaltSpring Island races, and raced with CFSA Esquimalt for 12 years. Currently live on Quadra Island, and cruise around Desolation Sound and area. I am comfortable in all positions, but am a better sailing crew than cook! Foredeck and trimmer are my strongest positions. 
Peter Hennig Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
Calgary, Alberta Canada 44 5874385980 Send Email
I learned sailing around around Vancouver Island and gained some experience in international waters. I’m an IYT certified Dayskipper (overnight passage experience). I’m keen to gain race experience. Safety for crew and boat a paramount, while having a great time and exploring personal limits. I skippered 36 to 55 foot boats for friends and my family.  
called tactics and drove nights for Bill Say Wvyc several years ago; first 0verall on cc40 in vic maui 1st place;won 4 out of 5 in north americans on Lake Ontat Tactician Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
Bill McArthur 46 @yahoo.ca, 250-880-5542 Canada calling sail trim and driving! Want one more chance!! ontario in 1/4 ton championship. I’m old but in super shape, and great at Send Email
First overall several on Bill Say’s Honekoa years ago until Rvyc gave win to 50’ boat that arrived after us “for age allowance!!? 
Brendan Jones Any Position Race Crew Only Male
Vancouver, BC Canada 18 (604) 719-1937 Send Email
I have sailed my entire life. From the wetfeet program to coaching race team and racing keelboats. I’m a good cook and do not get seasick making me a good crew. I have raced Optis for many years until I grew too big. from Optis I gained fundamental knowledge of sailing for speed and racing tactics. I then moved to 29ers, and raced those for a few years learning about sailing with a spinnaker and everything else that comes with the boat. I now coach Opti race team at WVYC and teach Learn To Sail in the summer. I race on various different keelboats including C&C41, Melges 24’ and others. Looking to crew on more overnight events this year as experience for 2024 Vic Maui. 
Tristan Kimmerle Any Position Return Delivery Crew Only Male
Valemount, BC Canada 27 (250) 566-5185 Send Email
Grew up sailing and crewed a dozen or so times on small-mid size sailboats at weekly yacht club races. I also crewed on a 41’ fraser, Wind Maiden, out of Nanaimo to Port McNeil over 2 weeks. Willing to crew, and be of general help- no particular position in mind. Able and comfortable at the helm (gnarliest experience is on the Johnston’s Straight on the inside passage of Vancouver island sailing north through steep, windy chop. No real off-shore experience with big swells). Not willing to be a full time cook, but will obviously be able to help with cooking or be on a rotation. 
Kevin-Neil Klop Any Position Race Crew Only Male
White Rock, British Columbia Canada 60 (778) 242-5567 Send Email
Contract delivery skipper, race navigator/tactician. Currently owner of Opus, a C&C 43. ASA and CYA sailing instructor. Sailing since my teen years, with a small break. I come equipped with navigation software and instruments such as Expedition, OpenCPN, etc. Former NYS EMT, current Safety at Sea training (expires fall 2024) 
Heather Leedham Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Female
Victoria, British Columbia Canada 52 (250) 58zero-02one9 Send Email
I was living landlocked for a few years, would love to get out on the water again and meet some adventurous people. 25 years sailing experience, day racing, offshore cruising, and repositioning trips. Registered Respiratory Therapist with tons of emergency Med experience and extensive wilderness experience. Excellent cook/ meal planner. Adaptable, powerful, pleasant and fast learner. Voted by friends as the most necessary person to stick with during a zombie apocalypse. 
Byron LeVasseur Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
Vancouver, BC Canada 39 (778) 388-3840 Send Email
-2 years of racing Polar Bear with Brad Davies on Rio. -2022 Southern Straights medium course with Ed Karadontis on Dusty Mauch 
Yun Ma Trimmer or Deck Crew Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
Seattle, WA United States 42 (425) 894-8923 Send Email
Crewed on Thunderbird, J/30, Tartan 10, C&C 121. Available this year (2023). Ready to go with short notice. 
Jim MANSON Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
vancouver, bc Canada 60 0 (613) 293-8177 Send Email
Have owned two slips over the last 15 years, 30\\\' and 36\\\', and have sailed leisurely up and down the coast with family and friends. Not an experienced racer. Want to participate and assist others, with a smile. 
Alexander Marotz Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
Vancouver, BC Canada 31 (604) 374-2631 Send Email
Greetings, I am interested in crewing for the race leg or return. I am available to attend practices and help with boat preparation. I have sailed Dinghies for over 10 years, crewed in several races on J Boats and delivered a sailboat after Transpac from Honolulu to Vancouver in 2023. Other highlights: Cascadian Convoy, Southern Strait, Polar Bear Series and member of Bluewater Cruising Association. I have a time share for a CS36 Merlin and enjoy winter sailing when the north pacific blows provide spicy conditions at times. Experienced as skipper on multi-day coastal cruising trips. My formal training includes courses with Power Squadrons, and I am currently pursuing International Bareboat Skipper and Sail Canada Intermediate Cruising Standard certifications. Holder of PCOC and ROC-M and am willing to take additional courses to comply with NoR regulations. I am enthusiastic and prepared to put in the necessary effort to seize this opportunity. I look forward to the possibility of joining your team. Cheers, Alex 
Ted Miller Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
North Las Vegas, NV United States 59 6504555706 Send Email
Recently retired nurse from San Francisco. Crewed in 2022 PacCup (San Francisco to Oahu) on Waquier 42 ‘Chance’. Other offshore races include Newport Ensenada on an Olson 911. Weekly club races on SF Bay and owned and lived on my on sailboat from 2007 - 2022 (Benetau 393 & Catalina 445). Have been on 2 sailing rallies, Baja HaHa (2007 & 2011). Currently leaving to crew on Clipper RTW Race 2023. References available upon request.  
Vikram Misra Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
Victoria, BC Canada 71 (306) 262-0056 Send Email
Crewed Maui to Vancouver - Samson Seabreeze (1976), skippered chartered sailboats, BC, IYT competency and skipper certification, VHF Operator Certificate, Marine Basic First Aid - current, own and sail Westsail 32 - Gulf Islands, Salish Sea, Desolation. Van Isle circumnavigation planned for summer 2023. Retired and can commit to training 
Melinda Noyes Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Female
Edmonton, AB Canada 56 (780) 405-0843 Send Email
What can I say? I'm a keaner in the best way. I've completed the CanSail Competent Crew certification and can follow directions. I'm so excited about sailing and this race in particular! You won't be disappointed in this extra hand. Great references and ahppy to do the scut work as befitting a newbie. 
Hana Park Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Female
Vancouver, BC Canada 24 778-999-4502 Send Email
A passionate sailor and adventurous spirit, I’ve built my skills both on deck and at the helm through a variety of experiences. As skipper of my 1979 Yamaha 25-foot monohull, I’ve navigated the beautiful waters of Howe Sound, honing my expertise in sail setting, navigation, and boat maintenance. I’m also passionate about sharing the love of sailing with others! For three summers, I instructed and skippered with the BC Adaptive Sailing Association, working with sailors of all abilities aboard Martin 16 keelboats. I’ve also coached youth at the Hollyburn Sailing Club, helping young sailors master the basics and find confidence on the water. From skippering my own boat to crewing family adventures in Desolation Sound on a 35-foot monohull, I’ve embraced every role—helming, provisioning, and cooking while underway. I bring a positive attitude, a strong work ethic, and an eagerness to learn to every crew I join! 
Andrew Parker Any Position Race Crew Only Male
Toronto, Ontario Canada 64 (416) 504-9455 Send Email
2022 VicMaui race crew Logged over 11,000 miles of salt water 30 years of Great Lakes racing experience, Currently writing RYA Day Skipper course 2022 Two day Safety at Sea course 2010 Delivery from Seattle to Sand Diego. 1981 one year commercial fishing in Alaska Trimmer, helmsman, jib, chute. OK cook, Excellent dishwasher! Affable and level, Carpenter by trade. MacGyver by necessity. Never run out of stories. Keen to win. See: https://igorianchant.com/jamesandvanessa/Blackwatch/index.html No, the cigar is not lit while standing over the fuel tanks. 
Dougie Power Any Position Race Crew Only Male
Vancouver, British Colombia Canada 26 4372597221 Send Email
Former competitive dinghy sailor of 10 years, raced on the European Laser circuit and held a top 3 rank in the Irish full rig fleet. Huge base of experience in inshore keelboat racing in almost every position on the boat. Part of Irelands only IRC & ORC World and European championship team in 2018, as a trimmer. Over 2000nm offshore racing experience. Completed the Round Ireland Yacht Race '22, as a helm on a Beneteau 44.7, no issues with night steering. Happy and comfortable anywhere, most offshore experience at the helm, inshore usually at the mast, trimming. Happy to offer tactical/strategic knowledge if called upon. I am 6'7, 220Ilb, strong and fit. STCW9001 certified. I am a long time racing coach for high performance dinghy sailors, and have worked out of the Royal Van Yacht Club in this position. Living in Vancouver, would love to find a serious team to join and more than happy to train through the winter.  
Stephen Roberts Trimmer or Deck Crew Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
Burnaby, BC Canada 37 . Send Email
I have four years of coastal sailing experience and some limited offshore experience - looking to get more offshore/racing experience. Current owner of a Mirage 27 with extensive cruising and boat maintenance experience. Have the typical PCOC and VHF-ROC(M) certs, as well as CYA basic, intermediate, and advanced cruising standards including CYA basic and intermediate navigation courses. I’m easy going and work well in team environments.  
Richard Ross Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
Ridgefield, WA United States 65 (360) 907-4564 Send Email
I'm recently retired and have time to sink my teeth into doing whatever it takes to be a great crew member. I'm in great shape, extremely mechanical, can cook, clean and do about anything needed with a positive attitude. I have a Sabre 386 moored in Anacortes that I hope to enter into the Vic-Maui in 2026 but in the meantime want some good practical experience. In addition, I will gladly share in the expenses of the race which I know are considerable. 
Stewart Schill Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
Los Angeles, Los Angeles United States 58 (323) 252-6080 Send Email
Coastal and Deep Water Cruising experience and certification, domestically and internationally. Racing crew in local races at Marina Del Rey and Ensanada. Additional skills: Professional filmmaker, excellent guitarist, and a wicked sense of humor! 
gordon schooley Any Position Race Crew Only Male
new westminster, British Columbia Canada 70 (604) 729-2390 Send Email
25 years Coastal Sailing 242 Martin Race Grinder. Mahina Expeditions Sail & Navigation Cook Islands 855 Miles, Seven Year Live Aboard Good Cook No Sea Sick Mechanic 
Cody Shankland Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
Victoria , Bc Canada 28 (250) 886-4514 Send Email
3 years coastal cruising- Sidney Victoria 22-27-34 foot sloops. Pleasure craft operator 
David Simpson Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
Burnaby, BC Canada 58 6048082608 Send Email
I started racing Lasers at age 12 and competed in the 1976 BC summer games finishing 2nd in my club. By age 18 I was crewing on a C&C 40. From 1990 to 1998 I participated in the VARC on a custom C&C 43, J37 and a J39, primarily as Bowman and Trimmer. I did the Vic-Maui in 1992 on the C&C 43 placing 2nd in our division and 5th overall. I'm a very capable helmsman at night. I've cruised the local waters on my own sailboat for the last 20 years. I have my CYA Coastal Navigation and I'm currently working on my RYA Coastal Skipper Certification. I am 6'2" 195 lbs, retired, very active with no medical issues.  
Geoff Stegen Trimmer or Deck Crew Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
Coquitlam, British Columbia Canada 63 16047242360 Send Email
Raced for 20+ years in 3/4 ton Owned 37\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Sailboat for 15 years, Certified yacht Broker, delivered and sailed many verities of sailboats both inside and outside Vancouver Island, including a stint on Greybeard. Raced in Ford Cork week in Ireland.[ Raced many overnighters including many Swiftsures. 
Scott Stroshin Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
Vancouver, BC Canada 40s (604) 505-5425 Send Email
Available for Race and/or Delivery Crew. Experience: I have experience in Foredeck, Pit, Trimmer, Crew and boat delivery. Local VARC races Van ile 360, Straights, etc 
Amy Tomlins Trimmer or Deck Crew Race and Return Delivery Crew Female
Surrey, BC Canada 40 (778) 828-8197 Send Email
Have been racing locally in Vancouver for club racing over the past few years on an X Yacht, Hotfoot, Martin and Olson boats mainly. Have done SOAR, Cow Bay, Maple Bay, Round Saltspring and Bowen and legs of the VanIsle as well. Have my ICC, Coastal Nav, working on Coastal Skipper & Celestial Nav, renewing my Safety at Sea this year. I love the water and racing. I\'m happy to do the race and/or return delivery. I\'m usually on mast, main, trim, pit but open to anything. I\'m looking to gain more experience and miles as I\'m planning to head offshore for a long duration of cruising starting sometime in 2025. 
Zack Tupper Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
Seattle, WA USA 36 206-465-2276 Send Email
I fell in love with sailing at a young age on family trips to Desolation Sound. As an adult, I completed the ASA 101-106 curriculum as well as the ASA 118 docking endorsement. Since then I skippered a bareboat charter aboard a Jeanneau 46 around the San Juan Islands and most recently on a Sun Odyssey 519 in the British Virgin Islands. In total I have ~1000mm of coastal cruising experience but am eager to gain offshore miles. Easy going and team oriented, I'm willing to take on any crew position and I love to cook. It was devastating to see the tragic destruction in Lahaina, and I would be honored to be part of the Vic-Maui return in 2026 - either for the race itself or a return delivery. 
Anthony Wagner Any Position Return Delivery Crew Only Male
Pitt Meadows , British Columbia Canada 59 (604) 783-9860 Send Email
For the last 25 years, I have owned, operated, maintained and repaired my C&C sailboat that is moored at Thunderbird Marina in West Vancouver. I have extension experience sailing throughout the Pacific Northwest, have lived on a sailboat for one year and have completed many courses and certifications. I also am a very good cook and have a level one Red Deal designation. This is my third attempt crewing for the Vic Maui. The first time I was commissioned to help bring a sailboat back but it had mechanical problems and did not make it to Maui. The second time I was asked to fill in on a race crew but my wife and I already planned our wedding. 
Cam Wallace Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
Victoria, BC Camada 22 250-532-1804 Send Email
Dinghy: I have raced dinghies for 10 years (420, 29er,), placing 1st at both BC games and Canadian Collegiate Nationals, and attended national / international events. I have also coached for 6 years in both Canada and Greece, making me very composed in stressful situations. Keelboat: I have done round the buoy series (Polar Bear Series, Royal Vic Wed Night) but have also developed a love for doing long distance races, including Southern Straits, VanIsle360 (Nanaimo-Comox Leg) and Round Saltspring. Have experience and am very comfortable trimming, driving, etc. on both symmetrical and asymmetrical boats. Very keen to do this race and happy to fill in any role. Feel free to send me a message for any further questions! 
Jackson wiebe Any Position Race and Return Delivery Crew Male
Calgary, Alberta Canada 33 (403)862-0954 Send Email
Offshore cruising standard, Offshore Personal Survival training certificate and first aid. 2000nm with 60 hours night sailing. Dingy sailing on the Glenmore Res. Pretty decent chef and get along with just about any personality. Looking forward to getting more offshore experience in preparation to my own circumnavigation. Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FFZKgWWYVHhndiAFaFSF4cdMCtYOLVvH/view?usp=drive_link 
Linda Wilson Trimmer or Deck Crew Race and Return Delivery Crew Female
Vancouver, British Columbia Canada 64 6047685769 Send Email
I have offshore experience. I can provide resume.  

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