Bravo Zulu Finishes at 15:57 HST
by Richard Ballantyne, July 21st, 2012

Denny Vaughan's Beneteau First 40.7, sailing out of Seattle's Corinthian Yacht Club, came streaking in this afternoon to finish a little before 4 pm local time. Sailing around the hole without wind that plagued Turicum, Bravo Zulu made up a bunch of time by bringing the wind with them to the finish. The LYC greeting teams, having just cleaned up from the party for Turicum and not having slept much since the earlier arrivals of Red Heather and Radiance, were nonetheless ready for a great party to celebrate Bravo Zulu's arrival during the traditional pupu hour.
Reports from aboard indicated that while no sails were damaged during the course of sailing this event, they did suffer from multiple electronic gremlin attacks on their instrumentation. For most of the race were sailing blind with respect to what the rest of the fleet was doing and had to rely on old school techniques such as sailing by feel. And Denny expressed gratitude to the crew for convincing him to carry the spare spinnaker pole (this on a boat that considered dock fenders and sleeping cushions as a needless luxury) as their primary pole became a victim of the seagods in an incident early in the race.