Turicum Finishes!!!
by Richard Ballantyne, July 21st, 2012

Gunnar Jonnson and the team aboard Turicum, a C&C44 hailing out of the Vancouver Rowing Club, drifted across the finish line with an elapsed time of 14 days, 7 hours and 26 minutes. After pushing hard the whole way, and never dousing their kite no matter how trying the conditions (or how pleading the crew), Turicum lost the strong winds 24 hours out. After totally losing the wind in sight of the Finish, they worked extra hard with a drifter to close the last 2 miles.
They perservered and crossed the line to be the 3rd boat to finish in their division. The crew unanimously pointed to the jury rig of a failed backstay cyinlinder in the middle of a pitch black night, and while still flying a spinnaker, as the scariest and most exciting moment of their race.